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To hide notes:

  1. Sign into Qik Meeting.
  2. Go to the meeting room and click on "Apps" and select "Meetings".
  3. Click on the menu icon and select "Hide meeting" and click “Ok’.
  4. The meeting is hidden.

To view the hidden notes:

  1. Go to the meeting apps.
  2. Click on the menu.
  3. From the menu options, choose "Show Hidden Meetings".
  4. This will make the hidden notes visible again.

To unhide meetings:

  1. Go to the meeting apps.
  2. Click on the menu.
  3. From the menu options, choose "Show Hidden Meetings".
  4. Once the hidden meetings are visible, click on the menu icon, and choose "Unhide Meetings".


Only owners will be able to hide and unhide meetings.
